Can I have parcels delivered to Cicada?

You can! Cicada reception accepts deliveries for residents.

Where should I address my parcels to?

Use the address:

Your Name
Your Company Name
National Innovation Centre
4 Cornwallis Street
Eveleigh NSW 2015

Where do deliveries go if I don't pick them up the day they arrive?

If deliveries aren't picked up by 4.30pm on the day they arrive, they are transferred to the Suite 145 mailroom. When you enter Suite 145, the mailroom will be the first door on your right.

Knowledge Base-2


How can I contact reception for any other questions?

You can call reception on (02) 9209 4444 (or x4444 from your office landline) or pop down to and see her in the Atrium by the main entry.


When does reception accept deliveries?

Reception is open between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.